Saturday, July 27, 2013

2014/15 Budget!

I know it seems a long-way off, but one of the additional commitments we made in the process of setting this current year's budget, is that we would publish the draft of next years (2014/15) figures during September 2013 ...

... this would leave a full 3-months of public consultation before we get to the 2013 Christmas-break; and then still a couple months thereafter prior to the actual finalisation of the 2014/15 budget at the Full Council Meeting at 10am on Thursday 13th February 2014.

Here's the relevant section of last year's Budget Motion - bullet point 5 refers:

4. Future Budget Development

4.1 Council further agrees:
• to continue development of the priority based planning framework to ensure that expenditure achieves key outcomes of the Council efficiently and effectively
• to strengthen internal financial scrutiny, accountability and governance
• to continue the move toward increased involvement of individuals and organisations in the budget process including reaching out to people who would not normally engage with the Council in developing its budget
• that continuous consultation will be an integral part of budget development from February 2013
• to aim for publication of the draft 2014/15 Council Budget by the end of September 2013, thus ensuring all public consultation can be concluded by the end of 2013
• establishment of a new Property Conservation service by April 2013, in light of public comments, which is fit for Scotland’s historic capital city
• delivery of the tram project within the approved revised budget, ensuring the start of operational services by summer 2014
• to examine options for using co-operative and trust models in the delivery of services.

Well - as we're nearly into August, you can well imagine that much work has progressed over the summer month/s and I'm pleased to report that --- as things currently stand! --- we are on track to publish the 2014/15 Draft Budget figures during September 2013.

Of course; as soon as further details are confirmed and ready, I'll be sure to get the relevant information posted up on the blog; including the mechanisms by which members of the public (and other city stakeholders) can contribute feedback into the process ...

... watch this space!

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