Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Captain's Road Social Work Centre ...

Captain's Road Social Work Centre today ... one of the larger Social Work centres in the city and I sensed a real change in atmosphere in the air. I'm not for a minute claiming all was perfect - I'm sure the staff would be the first to agree! - but there was a palpable sense of purpose and pride in the place that you simply didn't detect in Social Work centres several years ago.

I've got nothing but admiration for the vast, vast majority of social workers (and teachers!) who clearly work in extremely pressured environments, dealing with very challenging circumstances on a daily basis ... sadly, they get precious little public praise for the work they do; even more tragically it's often the reverse with totally unjustified attacks on their professionalism.

Anyone who doubts a social worker's (or teacher's) public worth should just go and spend a day with them.

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